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Take a closer look at the cyclic Ketogenic diet aka binge weekends


Phase I: Oh, God, why didn’t I just come up with a different New Year’s Resolution?

You see your strict diet schedule and you realize tough days are upon you.

The first phase of your cyclic ketogenic diet involves relying on a low-carbohydrate diet for a week. Your carbohydrate intake is closely monitored and it feels like every morsel you eat is first speculated through a magnifying glass.

Sometimes you feel irritated and quick tempered, at other times you feel calm and balanced.

stage1 ketogenic diet

Phase II: The cycle begins. Binge it on!

If you thought the first week would have gotten your body adjusted to the low-carb food, you’re in for a surprise.

The second stage of the cyclic ketogenic diet requires you to consume food with a high carbohydrate status. This is a trick to convince your body that you’re not actually dieting, so please, keep working as you did all these years.

stage 2 ketogenic diet

Phase III: Binge Weekends. I’ve quite forgotten what a diet means!

Is it mere ingestion of high calorific food or are you unable to control yourself when it comes to eating? The limited freedom you have is passed with an unstoppable carbohydrate binge. You feel disappointed in yourself, but in the end your growing hunger wins.

Your weekend cheat days are fun, a feeling you’ve forgotten during the initial diet phase.

Your happy binge weekend pops another question – Did you go overboard?

binge eating

Phase IV: Overboard it is

The next phase of this complex diet is to fall back to the first phase routine. You are dieting in a loop, gradually letting your body adapt to your low-carb diet.

Yes, binging is an integral part of the diet. It’s to check your body from tumbling into a hard core starvation mode.

But binging is also a disorder, a compulsive overeating disorder. For instance, it’s not just eating a pizza, it’s gorging four or five pizzas continuously. If your ketosis doesn’t last through your binging, your whole phase I would be just a waste of time.

wondering why you ate so much

It’s not your low-carb diet that needs to be scrutinized, it’s your binge diet. Even during your high-carb days, follow a calendar. If it says one slice of pie, read it as one slice of pie.

You don’t want your trainer to examine your binge weekends with a magnifying glass, do you?