This is a lovely refreshing ice that we sometimes serve as a palate-cleansing pre-dessert in the restaurants. The pepperiness of the basil and freshness of the lemon work really well together. Granitas are great things to make at home because you don’t need an ice cream maker or have to worry about getting a smooth texture – the whole point of them is that they are granular. They are best made and eaten on the same day, though, or they can become blocks of ice.
  1. Put the lemon zest into a small saucepan, strain in the juice and add the sugar. Stir over a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool for 5 minutes.
  2. Dilute the mixture with the water to taste. Set aside 4 small basil leaves for decoration, then very finely chop the rest. Add to the lemon mixture.
  3. Pour the syrup into a lidded plastic container and freeze for 3 hours, or until frozen at the bottom and around the edges. Swirl the mixture with a fork to break up the ice crystals, then cover and return to the freezer for another hour. Repeat this freezing and stirring process twice more before letting the granita freeze solid with a granular texture.
  4. To serve, break up the granita with the fork, then spoon into chilled serving glasses. Garnish with the reserved basil leaves and serve immediately.