georgia pâté
We love hummus, but couldn’t think of a way for our recipe to be in a southern cookbook. Then we decided to replace the standard garbanzo beans with boiled peanuts, one of our favorite snacks, and voila!—redneck hummus.
  1. Using a food processor, blend the peanuts, tahini, lemon zest and juice, parsley, garlic, and cayenne pepper until coarsely chopped. With the processor running, pour the olive oil through the top opening in a slow, steady stream, processing until the mixture is smooth. Remove the mixture to a mixing bowl and stir in the water for desired spreading consistency. Serve with your choice of chips, crackers, or vegetables.
Recipe Notes

Boil your own fresh green peanuts in a 3-quart stockpot, covering them with water and adding ⅔ cup salt for each gallon of water used. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and cook for 1½ hours, or until the nuts are tender. Drain and cool.
Tahini isn’t always easy to find. Make your own by blending ¼ cup vegetable oil with 1 cup toasted sesame seeds. Store the extra in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
This is delicious on strips of sweet red bell pepper.