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Michael Pollan’s “In Defense Of Food” Is The Must Watch Food Documentary Of The Month


If you’re a foodie, you may already know about Michael Pollan’s much lauded book ‘In Defense of Food’. In it, Pollan, who is a professor of science and environmental journalism at the University of California, explores Western eating habits.

























Pollan’s refrains in the book have been narrowed down to one commandment; “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Pollan argues that many Westerners today do not eat ‘real’ food, but rather imitations, often in front of the television, on-the-go, or alone, taking away from the essential experience that eating food provides.













The book, which has gone a long way in changing the way Westerners, and especially Americans look at food has now been adapted into a documentary. It’s a common complaint that “not many people read anymore”, so one can assume that the documentary will have an even further reach than the book.

In the documentary, Pollan traces food practices and science from Tanzania to Peru to Paris to the New York Bronx. “We’re looking for answers. We’re looking for dietary salvation,” Pollan comments in the documentary. “It’s very rare in our lives where the answer to a complicated question is so simple. But, when it comes to eating, it is,” he concludes in the trailer to the documentary. Has Pollan found the answer to our dietary dilemmas? We’ll have to watch the documentary and see.

The documentary will premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival this month on PBS. We’re excited; aren’t you? Until the premier, here’s a glimpse at what’s in store.