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Ice Cream

Don’t Mess With Singapore And Their Ice Cream Sandwich


BuzzFeed UK published a list of the worst sandwiches ever and on that list was an ice cream sandwich from Singapore at #7. This post then went viral in Singapore and it drew lots of attention and flack, because the writer apparently didn’t know that this was a Singaporean delicacy.

Don’t Mess With Singapore And Their Ice Cream Sandwich Photo 2

The #7 spot was replaced with another sandwich after the uproar and a disclaimer was posted at the end of the article saying, “UPDATE. So, it appears that an item originally in this post at #7 (an ice-cream sandwich) is in fact a Singaporean delicacy. In which case, I’m sure it’s delicious! A version with English bread and ice cream would not be nice. Sorry for the mistake in including it.”

But Mothership got a screenshot of the offending part of the post, along with some comments by readers, shooting the list down and making a noise about it. Obviously as a delicacy, it’s wrong of BuzzFeed to have included it along with sandwiches that would definitely be considered a complete fail – like Ramen in a sandwich or a patch of olive oil on a slice of bread.

However, the Singapore tourism agency YourSingapore responded in the classiest way possible with this post:

Bravo, Singapore.