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All You Need To Know About The Golden Liquid ‘Consommé’ Soup


Consommé or soup is a thin soup or broth made from poultry and other meats, like lamb and veal. This is a very versatile broth to have at home at all times. The golden liquid is almost like the most precious possession in the refrigerator, once prepared and stored away.

Consommé can be stored for a week and it can be used to flavour any dish that you make it helps to add that extra taste….a pat on your back for all the efficiency! Isn’t that nice!

soup consomme


Get the kind of meat your family loves. Okay the one you like! You will need a tall dish to hold the liquid. Set this pot on the stove at high temperature. Add double the quantity of water in ratio to the meat you bought, and set it to a boil. So, if you purchased 250 grams of meat (mince), you would add 500 ml of water. To this you could add 2 medium sized onions, tomatoes as well as some carrots and salt to taste. I suggest that you chop the veggies before adding them. Allow all this to come to a boil and turn down the heat to a simmer, put a lid on the dish.

Allow a cooking time of twenty minutes. Stir one time and allow the mixture to settle. After another twenty minutes, remove the lid, you will notice solids floating, with a slotted spoon skim the stuff that has collected on the top. Now turn off the heat. Allow the broth to chill a bit and then with a cheese cloth or a muslin cloth, strain through a colander. What you could do is place the cheese cloth in the colander. Tie the edges of the cloth around the rim of the colander. Then pour the liquid with the cooked meat and veggies.

Now you will have collected clear liquid. This is consommé, which is nutritious, makes a heart-warming drink and can be used in various other dishes. It acts as a quick fix for dinners. The meat will have cooked soft, but the veggies will be a mush. So separate them as much as possible. Throw away the mushy veggies. The mince can be sautéed with frozen peas and served with mash potatoes. One talent of cooking is never to waste when you innovate!

The consommé may be had as it is a rich, thick, golden liquid to soothe your mind and soul. It is very good when you have a cold. Also, if you like you could add cream to give it a burnished glow and a warming taste.

The consommé can be stored like I mentioned, for a week and this can be added to dishes to enhance the flavour. It can be added to a quick pasta dishes if you haven’t the time to add the meat in. Noodles; quickly stir-fried with julienned vegetables, scrambled eggs and a splash of consommé will virtually enhance the flavour.

Consommé can be added to White Sauce, Espagnole Sauce or even India curries! It really is a must to keep in the fridge. Especially for people who are work-worn at the end of the day and a little comfort can go a long way!