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7 Tips For Storing Fresh Greens At Home


Fresh greens are extremely healthy and it is a must to include them in your diet. A quick green smoothie or a large bowl of your favourite assorted greens can keep you going through the day. The only problem with fresh greens is that they love to wilt within a short span of time if they are not stored properly. Greens include leafy greens, fresh herbs, sprouts, micro greens, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage and lettuce. These different greens have different wilting periods and hence should be stored a little differently than the others. Read more to find out how to store your greens at home for a long period without losing the freshness.

1. Storing greens like spinach and collards


Green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard and turnip greens come under one section. These require almost the same storage method. For greens like spinach, it is best you keep them at the coolest part of the fridge to retain the crispness. This will also prevent them from de-colouration. They can stay up to four days like this. Wrap the leafy greens in a damp towel and store them un-washed in a perforated plastic bag.

2. Storing Kale


Kale is referred to as the ‘queen of greens’ or the ‘nutritional powerhouse’. The nutritional values of this vegetable are numerous. It has to eaten soon as it is the tastiest then. If you are planning to use it for later, it is best to be kept in a perforated plastic bag with the leaves close together.

3. Storing Brussels Sprouts


For any leafy vegetable, it is best that you store them un-washed so that they retain their colour. It is advisable to wash them thoroughly just before cooking. Place Brussels sprouts in a plastic bag in the crisper portion of your fridge. They can stay fresh for up to 3 days.

4. Storing broccoli and cauliflower


For these greens, it is better you store them in a perforated plastic bag instead of covering them wholly. The cool air will keep them crisp and fresh. These shouldn’t be stored for more than 5 days.

5. Storing cabbage and lettuce

Leaf Lettuce, Barker's Farm

These vegetables are meant to be eaten fresh. It’s either two things with this vegetable. You either eat it fresh and crisp or you lose the crispness. Store them in perforated plastic bags in the coolest part of your fridge and don’t leave them wet as there is high chance of mold growing in between the leaves.

6. Storing asparagus

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This can be a tricky vegetable to deal with as the stalks tend to dry out sooner if left un-attended. It is best to keep them close together in an upright position in a glass filled with an inch of water. They can stay up to 3-4 days like this.

7. Storing fresh herbs


It is best to store fresh herbs wrapped in a damp paper towel and in a perforated plastic bag. If you are planning to freeze them, it is best you mince them finely and seal them in an air tight container or a plastic bag.