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7 Foods That Will Make Your Skin Look Healthy


Beauty products may work on the outside but skin that gets nourishment from food will need lesser makeup and products to beautify it. Hold that thought while we take you through 7 foods that you can eat that can help your skin look healthy and are backed by research and Leslie Beck who’s a dietician in Toronto.


According to The Globe and Mail, a study was conducted in 2007 that showed that women above 40 who had higher linoleic acid showed lesser signs of skin aging. Walnuts are a great source of linoleic acid with 7 shelled walnuts having 11 grams of it, providing your skin the nourishment it needs. Alternatively you can also binge on Brazil nuts, pine nuts, and oils like grapeseed, canola, sunflower and safflower.

Red Bell Peppers

Packed with Vitamin C, red bell peppers are a great source of antioxidants that help protect your skin against free radicals, and the vitamin contributing to making it firm and maintaining its elasticity. You can also alter between kiwi, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, strawberries and tomato juice.


Portobello, shiitake and cremini mushrooms are a good source of selenium, a mineral that shields your skin against UV ray damage and cancer. Alternate foods are fish like mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut and other seafood like oysters and scallops, Vegetarians can source the mineral from sunflower seeds, wheat germ and Brazil nut.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds being a great source of Vitamin E acts like a shield for the skin against the inflammation by the UV rays and even stops skin damage because of the free radicals. You can also try having cooked spinach, various oils like wheat germ, sunflower, safflower and grapeseed. Other good alternatives are almonds, avocado and wheat germ.

Cocoa Powder

Believe it or not, cocoa powder is a great supplement to the skin when in its unsweetened form. It not only increases blood flow to the skin but also the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Green Tea

Drinking four cups of green tea can reduce the redness of the skin when under UV radiation exposure says a research conducted in 2011. The skin also remains hydrated and has great elasticity and structure thanks to green tea consumption.


Or even fishes like anchovies, Arctic char, herring, mackerel, rainbow trout and sardines can help maintain the skin membranes as they are all a good source of omega-3 acids. These also help preserve collagen and lessen the effect of sun damage.

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