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10 Food Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Asthma Attacks This World Asthma Day


Today, the world is observing World Asthma Day, which aims to raise awareness about the causes of and managing asthma. Asthma is a long-term lung disease, in which airways in the lungs contact making it difficult to breathe. There are a variety of reasons for the onset of asthma attacks including living in a polluted place, allergens and sometimes even obesity.

Asthma is typically treated with medication and by using inhalers, but if you’re a sufferer, you may also benefit from changing your diet a little. There are a couple of particular foods which can trigger asthma attacks, while others can reduce inflammation which bring them on. Take a look:

An Apple A Day

British researchers found that eating fie apples a week helped improve the breathing capacity of an experimental group. This is because the apple skin has quercetin which can soothe inflamed airways.

Caffeine Counts


Caffeine can also reduce swollen airways; it belongs to the same family of chemicals as as drugs used to treat asthma.

Get Your Vitamin D

According to the Vitamin D council, enough vitamin D – found in salmon, milk, fortified milk and eggs – may reduce the number of asthma attacks.

And Your Carrots

Carrots contain high amount of beta-carotene which is processed into Vitamin A. Vitamin A can reduce exercise caused asthma.

How About Citrus Fruits?

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons can help the lungs heal and function better.

Yes, We Have Bananas

Bananas have a high potassium and antioxidant content which can decrease wheezing.

Stock Up On Spinach, Dark Chocolate and Salmon

Enjoy a meal of spinach and salmon followed by dark chocolate for dessert; all of these have high levels of magnesium which can improve lung capacity.

Cut Out Processed Meat

A French study found that processed meats may increase the severity of asthma attacks. Results indicated that people who had asthma and who ate more than four portions of processed meat a week (a portion can be one sausage or two slices of bacon) were 76% more likely to suffer from more asthma related symptoms. As for those without asthma, the study suggested that higher intakes of processed meats can lead to a higher susceptibility to developing the condition.

 Reduce Your Fast Food Intake

Individuals who eat more fast food may be more susceptible to asthma. A recent study found that asthmatics were more likely to eat burgers pizzas, potato chips and even pakoras more than three times a week.

Avoid Food Allergens

Certain foods are allergens for some people which can cause an attack. These include eggs, milk, wheat, fish, peanuts and soy. Keep a food journal to see if certain foods are triggering attacks.